October 22, 2024

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How to prepare for a virtual job fair?

prepare for a virtual job fair

Whether you are going to a real job fair or a virtual edition, good preparation is essential. Here are seven tips for scoring points. You may not land a job immediately, but you will certainly make a good first impression.

The job fair: some find it fantastic to show up at the stands of participating companies while others are anxious about having a spontaneous conversation with a recruiter. And yet, such a job fair – whether virtual or not – is definitely worth a visit.

This gives you the opportunity to impress multiple employers in a short time and get to know people representing companies better. Who knows, it may even lead to your dream job, provided you know how to handle the situation.

1. An informed man or woman is worth… a job

To get started, find out which companies are at the virtual job fair and make a list of all the names you’re really interested in and would like to chat with. Then conduct your investigation. Take a look at company websites, read testimonials on blogs, check social media profiles and skim through newspaper articles.

With this knowledge in mind, try to jot down two or three keywords that make the business unique and use them to ask smart, focused questions. This way you will immediately show that you know what you are talking about.

2. The “elevator pitch”

To do this, think in advance about what the company should retain from you. Avoid clichés and dare to stand out. Maybe you are an engineer and passionate about aviation since your childhood? Does your family praise you for your organizational skills because you coordinate an unforgettable vacation every year? By recounting these experiences, you will say much more than simply listing where you have worked before or what degrees you have obtained.

3. Prepare some questions

It’s always important to have a number of questions in mind, but it’s even more important to think about exactly what questions you want to ask. Never ask what a company has to offer, ask about the questions that came to mind during your research. This may relate to the application process, the skills they deem important, or the work environment.

Remember: the company itself will undoubtedly have a few questions in order to find out who you really are. “Name three qualities and points of attention” is a great classic. Prepare your answers well in advance.

4. Sell yourself

Just because you’re attending a virtual job fair doesn’t mean your approach has to be more casual. Quite the contrary. You will catch the eye of potential employers with a clear and attractive CV. You’ll share more information about yourself and show how well you fit with the company and position.

Do you send the same CV to all companies? Be sure to highlight as many accomplishments and skills as possible. Do you want to adapt your CV to each company? Make sure it matches the vacancy or the information you found during your research. Also make sure that you can quickly send your letters of recommendation to your contact person. For example, create a folder on your desktop with all the documents you need for the job fair: CV, cover letter, letters of recommendation, portfolio…

5. Clothes make the man or the woman

The message you convey is even more important than what you say or the knowledge you have stored up. Some companies opt for instant messaging but always be prepared for a possible video call. Therefore, choose an appropriate outfit in advance. No jogging or sweater with flashy inscriptions but a professional look. Again, you can take inspiration from social media to get insight into how employees dress.

Also, remember to pay attention to the following: avoid chewing gum, don’t light a cigarette in the middle of an interview, and don’t appear upset even if the conversation isn’t going on. not as expected. Finally, opt for a chastened language, even when you discuss by instant messaging.

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