January 15, 2025

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Sectors that are recruiting: place for women

sectors that recruit

For the release of the 6th edition of its guide “These sectors that recruit ”, the CIDJ has chosen to focus on gender diversity in the professions and to take stock. Result: only 17% of professions are mixed! We talk about gender diversity when women and men represent between 40 and 60% of the workforce. Today, 13 professional families out of 87 are mixed.

“With this new guide, we wanted a cross-cutting approach to the place of women in recruiting sectors , ” explains Florence Devenne, monitoring and resource director at the CIDJ. In which sectors are women most represented? For what type of positions? Which professions seek to recruit more women? State of play.

Less qualified positions, part-time and wage differentials

“Although they are often better qualified than men, women mostly occupy more precarious, less qualified and less paid jobs,” explains Florence Devenne. Even in some sectors where women are in the majority, they actually hold low-skilled jobs. For example, 66% of employees in the cleaning sector are women and yet only 33% are in management positions. The hotel and restaurant sector is mixed, with as many men as women, and yet 90% of housekeeping and reception workers are women and they represent only a third of the sector’s managerial jobs. .

Women are also massively affected by part-time work, whether it is chosen or forced: 30% of them work part-time compared to 8% of men. There are wage differences in equal situations between men and women. “In 2016, the pay gap was on average 19%,” explains Michel Tardit, document watch officer at the CIDJ. “Among executives, this gap increases to 26%. Women graduates from the Grandes Ecoles are also affected by these salary differences, a woman earns on average €2,000 less than a man with the same diploma,” he laments.

Skilled sectors where women are in the majority but …

This situation is not found in all employment sectors and in certain fields, women are in the majority and in qualified positions. This is particularly the case in education where 84% of school teachers are women. In secondary they are 59%. But the share of women in this sector decreases when the level of education increases, so that women are only 39% among higher education teachers.

In the health sector, women are also very present: 8 out of 10 nurses and 1 out of 2 doctors are women. In medicine, the employment of young graduates is predominantly female. Women should become the majority in this sector by 2021.

Women find their places in the digital, industrial, construction, etc. sectors.

IT, digital, commerce or even industry are seeking to recruit more women: a gender diversity plan was signed in digital professions in 2017, the commerce sector recruits more women than men with schools and in the construction industry, women hold 32% of management positions (engineers, site managers, architects, etc.).

Anne-Sophie Fatier, 26, has found her place in the aeronautics sector, within Air France Industrie, where she is an apprentice. After an ES baccalaureate and a DUT in logistics and transport management, she is preparing an additional mention (MC) “Non-destructive testing agent” within the Welding Institute, an important technical position in aeronautics. “In my department, we are only two women,” explains Anne Sophie, who has integrated well into the team. I must admit that at first I was a little scared to arrive in a very masculine environment, but in fact I immediately felt at ease with my colleagues, we work very well together and I posed simply limits, when for example a joke or a reflection does not pass, I tell them! This established a respect that, in the end, came almost naturally. It doesn’t matter whether there are only men or only women, insists Anne-Sophie, you have to dare to get started and not ask yourself too many questions. If we have this desire to work in a sector, nothing should slow us down”.

Publications, testimonials from peers, tutorials, workshops, daily work and advice with young people… The CIDJ strives to deconstruct gender prejudices on trades and sectors to enable you to build and make your training project a reality. without being limited by clichés.

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