MBA Industry: The MBA school industry includes universities and colleges that offer academic courses and award graduate degrees. The general admission...
Whether by Skype or “ face to face ”, having a job interview is never easy. It is all the more difficult when...
Looking for an extra-curricular activity? Why not try a plastic arts class? But what is the investment for the parents? Is it expensive? What...
Last February, Campus France , the French agency for the promotion of higher education, reception and international mobility, and the market research...
For the release of the 6th edition of its guide “These sectors that recruit ”, the CIDJ has chosen to...
Despite the crisis, the construction sector continues to hire, especially managers and engineers. Students attracted by construction, urban engineering, civil engineering,...
In our country, there are many typically male professions and jobs that seem much more reserved for women. And this...
Whether you are going to a real job fair or a virtual edition, good preparation is essential. Here are seven...
You give drawing lessons, so you must necessarily have a minimum of plastic arts equipment at home. And all this...
In the introduction to the collective work What is sociology for? , Bernard Lahire (2002) indicates that one of the...